Luunja municipality rainwater management plan for the years 2024-2035 Customer: Luunja Municipal Government
Preparation of the plan for the development of the public water supply and sewerage and rain water drainage of Kuusalu municipality for the years 2024-2036 Customer: Kuusalu Municipal Government
Preparation of the financing application for the reconstruction project of Sindi Central Square and Jaama Street, in the measure "Establishment of combined rainwater systems, including split-flow rainwater systems" Customer: Tori Municipal Government
Preparation of the financing application for the reconstruction project of Kaare tee, Luunja municipality, in the measure "Establishment of combined rainwater systems, including split-flow rainwater systems" Customer: Luunja Municipal Government
Preparation of the development plan of the public water supply and sewerage of the city of Tallinn for the years 2022-2033 Customer: Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department
Preparation of the development plan of the public water supply and sewerage system and rainwater drainage of Rae municipality for the years 2021-2032 Customer: Rae Municipal Government
Preparation of technological design documentation for Kärdla Port and Sõru Port wastewater treatment plants Customer: Kärdla Veevärk AS
Preparation of the application for changing the wastewater collection areas of the administrative territory of the city of Tartu Customer: Tartu City Government
Preparation of the water management and land improvement section of the comprehensive plan of the city of Tartu and the plan for the development of public water supply and sewerage for the years 2022-2040 Customer: Tartu City Government
Preparation of the development plans of the public water supply and sewerage of the city of Kohtla-Järve and Jõhvi municipality for the years 2019-2030 Customer: Järve Biopuhastus OÜ
Preparation of the development plan of the public water supply and sewerage of Hiiu municipality for the years 2021-2032 Customer: Kärdla Veevärk AS
Preparation of the technological design documentation for the construction of public water supply and sewerage in Külitse garden suburb (EIC application) Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of the technological design documentation for the reconstruction of the water and sewerage systems of Kavastu village (EIC application) Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of the reconstruction project of Roiu wastewater treatment plant (EIC application) Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of the technological design documentation of the reconstruction works of the water and sewerage facilities of the villages of Kükita, Tiheda and Kasepää, stage III (EIC application) Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of the public water supply and sewerage development plan of Järva municipality for the years 2019-2031 Customer: Järva Municipal Government
Preparation of the public water supply and sewerage development plan of Viimsi municipality for the years 2019-2030 Customer: AS Viimsi Vesi
Preparation of the technological design documentation for the reconstruction and expansion of the public water supply and sewerage system in Häädemeeste small town (EIC application) Customer: Häädemeeste VK AS
Preparation of the public water supply and sewerage development plan of Kastre municipality for the years 2018-2029 Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of technological design documentation for the reconstruction of the public water supply and sewerage system in Mustla small town, Heimtali village and Holstre village (EIC application) Customer: Ramsi VK OÜ
Preparation of the Cohesion Fund water management project "Establishment of the common water supply and sewerage system in Aespa and Vilivere settlements" and preparation of the financing application Customer: Kohila Maja OÜ
Preparation of the plan for the development of the public water supply and sewerage system in Viimsi municipality and of the Cohesion Fund financing application for the development of the water management infrastructure in Viimsi municipality Customer: AS Viimsi Vesi
Preparation of the development plan of the public water supply and sewerage of the city of Narva for the years 2015-2027 Customer: Narva Vesi AS
Preparation of the Cohesion Fund financing application for Saku municipality public water supply and sewerage project within Keila wastewater collection area Customer: OÜ Saku Maja
Preparation of the financing application of the Cohesion Fund for the water management project of Kohila municipality wastewater collection area Customer: Kohila Maja OÜ
Project management of Kuusalu boiler house chip boiler replacement project Customer: Kuusalu Soojus AS
Compilation and GIS analysis of the construction law implementation study of Viimsi municipality Customer: Viimsi Municipal Government
Sindi linna sademeveerajatiste uuring ja sademevee valgalade määratlemine Customer: Tori Municipal Government
Reoveepuhastite operaatorite koolitamine aastatel 2016-2019 Keskkonnaministeeriumi tellimusel Customer: Ministry of the Environment
Inventory of wastewater treatment systems in scattered settlements and preparation of investment programs on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment Customer: Ministry of the Environment
Preparation of an analysis of alternatives for wastewater treatment in Saku small town Customer: OÜ Saku Maja
Provision of KREDEX technical consultant service to Apartment Association Ehitajate tee 17 Customer: KÜ Ehitajate tee 17
Project management of the reconstruction of the A-building of Järvamaa Hospital and the construction of an extension Customer: Järvamaa Hospital
Project management of soil pollution liquidation works at Mustamäe tee 20 Customer: Tallinn Strategic Management Office
Project management of the I stage of pollution remediation at Stroomi beach Customer: Põhja-Tallinn District Administration
Project management of the II stage of pollution remediation works at Stroomi beach and provision of owner supervision service Customer: Põhja-Tallinn District Administration
Conducing of the procurement procedure "Construction works of the first stage of Sindi rapids center" Customer: Tori Municipal Government
Preparation of project applications for the construction of a new farmers market building and a new community center in Põlva municipality in the measure “Accessible high-quality public services" Customer: Põlva Municipal Government
Execution of procurement procedures and a project management service for the design, construction and owner supervision service of Haapsalu street lighting infrastructure renovation design documentation Customer: Haapsalu Linnahooldus OÜ
Project management of the project of street lighting renovation in Tõrva municipality Customer: Tõrva Municipal Government
Project management of the project of street lighting infrastructure renovation in Kohila municipality Customer: Kohila Municipal Government
Project management of the project of street lighting renovation in Kiili small town Customer: Kiili Municipal Government
Preparation of a financing application for the Cohesion Fund measure "Renovation of street lighting infrastructure" for the reconstruction of the street lighting infrastructure in Kohila municipality Customer: Kohila Municipal Government
Project management and owner supervision service for the reconstruction of the common water supply and sewerage system in Uuri, Vihasoo and Suurpea villages Customer: Kuusalu Soojus OÜ
Project management of the reconstruction of Kuusalu wastewater treatment plant Customer: Kuusalu Soojus OÜ
Project management of the reconstruction of the public water supply and sewerage system in Suurejõe, Pärnjõe and Vihtra villages Customer: Mako AS
Märjamaa alevi reoveepuhasti ja ühiskanalisatsiooni rekonstrueerimise projektijuhtimine Customer: Matsalu Veevärk AS
Project management of the designing of water and sewerage systems in Kohala, Vaeküla, Lasila, Levala and Karitsa Customer: Rakvere Vesi AS
Consulting and project management service for the project "Reconstruction of the district heating system in Saku small town" Customer: Saku Maja OÜ
Project management of the construction works of Puurmani dam fish pass Customer: Puurmani Municipal Government
Ühtekuuluvusfondi meetme „Vooluveekogude seisundi parandamine“ projekti „Pirita jõe Kose Veskijärve paisu kalapääs“ projektijuhtimine Customer: Kose Municipal Government
Project management of the project "Reconstruction of the outlet of the Saku manor park pond (fish pass)" of the Cohesion Fund measure "Improving the state of streams" Customer: Saku Municipal Government
Luunja municipality rainwater management plan for the years 2024-2035 Customer: Luunja Municipal Government
Preparation of the plan for the development of the public water supply and sewerage and rain water drainage of Kuusalu municipality for the years 2024-2036 Customer: Kuusalu Municipal Government
Preparation of the financing application for the reconstruction project of Sindi Central Square and Jaama Street, in the measure "Establishment of combined rainwater systems, including split-flow rainwater systems" Customer: Tori Municipal Government
Preparation of the financing application for the reconstruction project of Kaare tee, Luunja municipality, in the measure "Establishment of combined rainwater systems, including split-flow rainwater systems" Customer: Luunja Municipal Government
Preparation of the development plan of the public water supply and sewerage of the city of Tallinn for the years 2022-2033 Customer: Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department
Preparation of the development plan of the public water supply and sewerage system and rainwater drainage of Rae municipality for the years 2021-2032 Customer: Rae Municipal Government
Preparation of technological design documentation for Kärdla Port and Sõru Port wastewater treatment plants Customer: Kärdla Veevärk AS
Preparation of the application for changing the wastewater collection areas of the administrative territory of the city of Tartu Customer: Tartu City Government
Preparation of the water management and land improvement section of the comprehensive plan of the city of Tartu and the plan for the development of public water supply and sewerage for the years 2022-2040 Customer: Tartu City Government
Preparation of the development plans of the public water supply and sewerage of the city of Kohtla-Järve and Jõhvi municipality for the years 2019-2030 Customer: Järve Biopuhastus OÜ
Preparation of the development plan of the public water supply and sewerage of Hiiu municipality for the years 2021-2032 Customer: Kärdla Veevärk AS
Preparation of the technological design documentation for the construction of public water supply and sewerage in Külitse garden suburb (EIC application) Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of the technological design documentation for the reconstruction of the water and sewerage systems of Kavastu village (EIC application) Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of the reconstruction project of Roiu wastewater treatment plant (EIC application) Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of the technological design documentation of the reconstruction works of the water and sewerage facilities of the villages of Kükita, Tiheda and Kasepää, stage III (EIC application) Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of the public water supply and sewerage development plan of Järva municipality for the years 2019-2031 Customer: Järva Municipal Government
Preparation of the public water supply and sewerage development plan of Viimsi municipality for the years 2019-2030 Customer: AS Viimsi Vesi
Preparation of the technological design documentation for the reconstruction and expansion of the public water supply and sewerage system in Häädemeeste small town (EIC application) Customer: Häädemeeste VK AS
Preparation of the public water supply and sewerage development plan of Kastre municipality for the years 2018-2029 Customer: Emajõe Veevärk AS
Preparation of technological design documentation for the reconstruction of the public water supply and sewerage system in Mustla small town, Heimtali village and Holstre village (EIC application) Customer: Ramsi VK OÜ
Preparation of the Cohesion Fund water management project "Establishment of the common water supply and sewerage system in Aespa and Vilivere settlements" and preparation of the financing application Customer: Kohila Maja OÜ
Preparation of the plan for the development of the public water supply and sewerage system in Viimsi municipality and of the Cohesion Fund financing application for the development of the water management infrastructure in Viimsi municipality Customer: AS Viimsi Vesi
Preparation of the development plan of the public water supply and sewerage of the city of Narva for the years 2015-2027 Customer: Narva Vesi AS
Preparation of the Cohesion Fund financing application for Saku municipality public water supply and sewerage project within Keila wastewater collection area Customer: OÜ Saku Maja
Preparation of the financing application of the Cohesion Fund for the water management project of Kohila municipality wastewater collection area Customer: Kohila Maja OÜ
Sindi linna sademeveerajatiste uuring ja sademevee valgalade määratlemine Customer: Tori Municipal Government
Reoveepuhastite operaatorite koolitamine aastatel 2016-2019 Keskkonnaministeeriumi tellimusel Customer: Ministry of the Environment
Project management of Kuusalu boiler house chip boiler replacement project Customer: Kuusalu Soojus AS
Compilation and GIS analysis of the construction law implementation study of Viimsi municipality Customer: Viimsi Municipal Government
Inventory of wastewater treatment systems in scattered settlements and preparation of investment programs on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment Customer: Ministry of the Environment
Preparation of an analysis of alternatives for wastewater treatment in Saku small town Customer: OÜ Saku Maja
Provision of KREDEX technical consultant service to Apartment Association Ehitajate tee 17 Customer: KÜ Ehitajate tee 17
Project management of the reconstruction of the A-building of Järvamaa Hospital and the construction of an extension Customer: Järvamaa Hospital
Project management of soil pollution liquidation works at Mustamäe tee 20 Customer: Tallinn Strategic Management Office
Project management of the I stage of pollution remediation at Stroomi beach Customer: Põhja-Tallinn District Administration
Project management of the II stage of pollution remediation works at Stroomi beach and provision of owner supervision service Customer: Põhja-Tallinn District Administration
Conducing of the procurement procedure "Construction works of the first stage of Sindi rapids center" Customer: Tori Municipal Government
Preparation of project applications for the construction of a new farmers market building and a new community center in Põlva municipality in the measure “Accessible high-quality public services" Customer: Põlva Municipal Government
Execution of procurement procedures and a project management service for the design, construction and owner supervision service of Haapsalu street lighting infrastructure renovation design documentation Customer: Haapsalu Linnahooldus OÜ
Project management of the project of street lighting renovation in Tõrva municipality Customer: Tõrva Municipal Government
Project management of the project of street lighting infrastructure renovation in Kohila municipality Customer: Kohila Municipal Government
Project management of the project of street lighting renovation in Kiili small town Customer: Kiili Municipal Government
Preparation of a financing application for the Cohesion Fund measure "Renovation of street lighting infrastructure" for the reconstruction of the street lighting infrastructure in Kohila municipality Customer: Kohila Municipal Government
Project management and owner supervision service for the reconstruction of the common water supply and sewerage system in Uuri, Vihasoo and Suurpea villages Customer: Kuusalu Soojus OÜ
Project management of the reconstruction of Kuusalu wastewater treatment plant Customer: Kuusalu Soojus OÜ
Project management of the reconstruction of the public water supply and sewerage system in Suurejõe, Pärnjõe and Vihtra villages Customer: Mako AS
Märjamaa alevi reoveepuhasti ja ühiskanalisatsiooni rekonstrueerimise projektijuhtimine Customer: Matsalu Veevärk AS
Project management of the designing of water and sewerage systems in Kohala, Vaeküla, Lasila, Levala and Karitsa Customer: Rakvere Vesi AS
Consulting and project management service for the project "Reconstruction of the district heating system in Saku small town" Customer: Saku Maja OÜ
Project management of the construction works of Puurmani dam fish pass Customer: Puurmani Municipal Government
Ühtekuuluvusfondi meetme „Vooluveekogude seisundi parandamine“ projekti „Pirita jõe Kose Veskijärve paisu kalapääs“ projektijuhtimine Customer: Kose Municipal Government
Project management of the project "Reconstruction of the outlet of the Saku manor park pond (fish pass)" of the Cohesion Fund measure "Improving the state of streams" Customer: Saku Municipal Government